How do smartwatches measure stress?

We know smartwatches are a great hit! The amazing features of smartwatches allow us to be updated and also be motivated towards fitness. Not only this, smartwatches have accessed their features to better the person’s physical as well as mental well-being.  Smartwatches allow people to monitor their stress levels. Not only this, but it can also tell you…

Does smartwatch work without Bluetooth_


Smartwatches are now in huge demand. A massive interest has been driven over them due to its effective feature related to health and fitness as well as SP O2 level.  Smartwatches weren’t smart until they were connected by smartphone. With the Bluetooth access feature, people can manage the calls and notifications easily through their wrists.  But,…

How Far Away Can The Samsung Smartwatch Be From The Phone

How Far Away Can The Samsung Smartwatch Be From The Phone?

Six months ago, I purchased a smartwatch. With regular use of it, the display glass emerged scratches over it. While looking for a solution, I was advised by the smartwatch service center to protect my display glass. I should have opted for a smartwatch screen protector beforehand. Samsung Smartwatches are mostly loved by people due…

Disadvantages of a smartwatch for health

Disadvantages of a smartwatch for health

There are many health benefits of wearables fitness trackers. Fitness enthusiasts explain that such gadgets motivate users to remain physically fit and active. However users should remain equally aware of the cons of relying on them too much, they warn. A athlete and a master trainer for zumba uses the term techorexia to explain how…

Cheapest Smartwatch Plans

Cheapest Smartwatch Plans 2024

Today’s tech-savvy people spend more time on mobile devices. They regularly call their friends, relatives, family members, neighbors, etc. They always look for lucrative plans for calls, SMS, and Internet browsing. Different companies have different plans for customers. There are numerous plans for all customers.  They comfortably meet the varying needs of people. You can…

Biggest screen size smartwatches

7 Biggest screen size smartwatches

There are many smartwatches you can find on the internet. Today, we will discuss smartwatches that have larger screen sizes and are currently available in 2024. Smartwatch model Screen size Domiwear DM100 2.86 inches Ticwris Max 2.8 inches LEMFO LEMX 2.3 inches NEPTUNE Pine 2.4 inches VEA Buddy screen size 2 inches Apple Watch Series…